CNC-bearbetningstjänster - maskinbearbetade delar - Etone Technology

Vad vi gör

Etone Technology Co., Ltd., is an ISO9001 certified precision machine shop specializing in high-quality CNC machined components. With over 20 years of manufacturing experience, we are your source for superior quality and rapid deliveries. Etone Technology prides itself as having the most highly skilled workforce, combined with cutting edge technologies in machine tools, inspection equipment, and quality process. Kontakta oss today to see what we can do for your project.

Om oss

Etone Technology is a full-service CNC machine shop based in China, specializing in custom machining services including CNC milling, CNC turning, and sliding head machining.

By the use of CNC machines, we can non-standard parts with high accuracy and repeatability. We advise in the selection of materials and technical solutions. Orders are made according to technical drawings or based on patterns.  

With our in house CNC Mills and lathe machines we are able to undertake may different projects from batch production to prototypes.

Our services are comprehensive, which is why we are often the first choice of our clients. We are distinguished by the quality deriving from passion, professionalism and care for customer satisfaction. We work with many renowned companies.

At this time we hope to have the opportunity to work with your company and serve your machining requirements.


År inom tillverkning


Precisionsdelar per månad


Leverans i tid


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Så här fungerar det

Vi har expertteam, pålitlig erfarenhet och toppmodern utrustning för att ta dina delar från koncept till verklighet.
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Quickly produced parts

Snabbt producerade delar

Everything delivered on time

Allt levererat i tid

Varför välja Etone-teknik?

We have the agility and expertise to manage your project from start to finish, regardless of size or complexity, and our machining and programming veterans frequently find new and better ways to get the job done.

We also understand the pressures of time and cost and appreciate your commitments to your clients. That’s why, from Etone Technology, you can expect:
  • Produkter av högsta kvalitet med snäva toleranser
  • Leverans i tid
  • Konkurrenskraftiga priser
  • Exceptionell kundservice
We work with you to define your requirements and devise the best possible solution. Then we make your ideas happen.

Kontakta oss to discuss your project today.

Branscher vi betjänar

Our services are compatible with countless industries and equipment such as:


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Nöjda kunder från 30+ länder

“Etone Technology has the knowledge and experience needed to get the job done.”


“Etone Technology’s level of quality is excellent and their pricing is very competitive.”


“Timely, responsive, and quality parts. Etone Technology is a great CNC machine shop. I can always count on them to get the job done right.”


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